At Danesgate Community, providing the highest quality careers information, education, advice and guidance is important to us. We aim to ensure that every student is equipped with the skills, abilities, and qualifications for the next stage of their educational journey whether it be at college or through an apprenticeship or traineeship.
All young people are required by law to continue in education or training until they are 18. At Danesgate Community we are committed to ensuring our students are able to progress to the most appropriate post 16 option. This might be a sixth form or FE college, apprenticeship, traineeship or specialist education provider.
Our careers programme begins in year 7, when we start to explore options and raise aspirations in partnership with a wide range of post 16 providers, careers educators and employers.
We have designed a carefully tailored programme for every year group. This involves career a careers week in school, visits to colleges and employers, as well as our Post 16 careers fairs and employer engagement days. Our strategy is designed to develop core skills for employability, including personal learning and thinking skills in enterprise, problem solving and communication.
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Chris Smith Careers Lead 01904 555555 |
Sue James Specialist Learning & Employment Adviser 0798 395 0127 |
Our Provider Access Policy Statement carefully sets out Danesgate Community’ arrangements for managing the access of education and training providers to our students, for the purpose of providing Careers Information.
Our Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy (CEIAG) outlines how Danesgate Community will support students on their careers journey in school and to successfully make the transition into Post 16 provision.
At Danesgate Community we recognise the importance of every young person receiving good career guidance to make informed decisions about their future. We measure the impact of our careers program against the national standards set out in the 2013 Gatsby Report.
To find out more information about the eight Gatsby Benchmarks click on the table below:
Please CLICK HERE for more information on the Gatsby Benchmarks.
We also measure the impact of our careers program by:
We are very proud of our record in ensuring our students progress to the right destination post 16, and continue to offer extended support for all our year 11 school leavers throughout the following autumn term. The graph below shows the future destinations of our year 11 school leavers in 2023:
We recognise the challenges some of our students may face as they make the transition from secondary school to further education and the world of work. We therefore strive to provide the necessary careers support and guidance so that our students can make informed decisions regarding their future aspirations.
As our students progress through their secondary education at Danesgate Community they will have access to the following programme of Careers guidance and experience:
The following images are from our pupils being on Work Experience at the Guildhall:
We encourage our parent and carers to explore jobs and careers with their children regularly. You can help them to find out about the skills and qualifications needed to do certain jobs. You can also support them to find out more about Further Education Collages, traineeships, or specialist education providers and apprenticeships in the region.
Careers advice:
Further Education
Click on the following to find out about the Further Education Collages and specialist education providers who offer post 16 courses in the York region:
Click on the following to find out more about apprenticeships and the latest vacancies in the York region:
The Shape Your Future booklet provides Labour Market Information (LMI) about the current economic and employment situation in York and North Yorkshire. It includes data on graduate destinations, average starting salaries, current trends in employment sectors and recruitment patterns. You can find more information here:
Please note we expect this guide to be updated April 2024.
Our students really benefit from the connections they have with employers. These experiences increase their knowledge of the world of work at both a local and national level, and help to develop their employability skills. We therefore welcome the vital contribution employers are able to make as part of our careers programme.
We are committed to connecting our students with local employers and are continually developing links with local businesses and voluntary organisations.
As well as hosting several events at Danesgate Community throughout the year which focus on further education and career aspirations. We are also keen to further develop our pool of work experience providers. If you are an employer who would like to support Danesgate Community, or would like more information on how you can support our careers programme please contact:
Here are some of our local business partners: