Statutory Information

Index of Statutory Information

School Contact Details

Admissions Arrangements

School Uniforms


Test, Exam and Assessment Results

Please note that due to cohort size, we do not report on the following:

  • Key stage 2 results
  • Progress score in reading, writing and maths
  • percentage of pupils who achieved at least the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
  • percentage of pupils who achieved at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths
  • average ‘scaled scores’ in reading and maths


Performance Measures Website

  • Not applicable due the school being a Pupil Referral Unit

Opening Hours


Behaviour Policy

Pupil Premium and Recovery Curriculum

  • Pupil Premium Information – available here

PE and Sports Premium

Public Sector Equality Duty

  • Complying with the PSED – please see the Equalities Policy/Accessibility Plan – available here
  • Equality Objectives – available here

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information

Careers Programme Information

Complaints Policy and Procedures

  • Complaint policy – available here

Governing Body Information and Duties

Financial Benchmarking and Executive Pay

Charging and remissions

  • Charging and Remissions policy – available here

Values and Ethos

Request for Copies