Governance – The Management Committee

Welcome from Mandy Bowers, The Management Committee Chair

Welcome to Danesgate, a truly special place where we provide outstanding support and personalised education to young people aged five to 16 from York and the surrounding area. Our students often face significant challenges, but our dedicated staff are unwavering in their commitment to helping them move forward successfully to their next stage of education and training. We believe in giving every child every chance to flourish and achieve their full potential.

As Chair of the Management Committee, I am proud to be part of a school that prioritises the well-being and success of its students. Our role is to ensure that this commitment is realised every day, providing a nurturing and supportive environment for all our learners. The Danesgate Management Committee not only fulfils strategic and advisory roles but also has statutory responsibilities that are crucial for the effective running of our school. Our members come from diverse backgrounds, including community members, parents, and staff, all united by a common goal: to ensure Danesgate offers the best possible education.

In 2017, we adopted a new model of governance, holding Full Management Committee (FMC) meetings every half term. This model allows us to stay responsive and involved in decision-making processes, ensuring we meet the needs of our students and staff. We also appoint associate members to provide specialist support, advice, and guidance, enriching our community with their expertise.

Our mission is encapsulated in the words of UNICEF: “The true measure of a nation’s standing is how well it attends to its children – their health and safety, their material security, their education and socialization, and their sense of being loved, valued, and included in the families and societies into which they are born.” At Danesgate, we strive to embody this vision, creating an inclusive and supportive environment where every child feels valued and empowered.

For any inquiries or to reach out to the Management Committee, please contact the headteacher or email us directly at [email protected]. Together, we can ensure that
Danesgate continues to be a place where every student can thrive.

Warm regards,
Mandy Bowers
Chair of the Management Committee

What makes a good governor?
The true measure of a nation’s standing is how well it attends to its children – their health and safety, their material security, their education and socialisation, and their sense of being loved, valued, and included in the families and societies into which they are born.”
What do governors do?

The role of Governor is strategic and focuses on the longer term priorities. Governors do not get involved in the day to day operational aspects of school – this is the job of the Headteacher and school staff. Among other responsibilities they:

  • Set the Vision & Values
  • Be a “critical friend” to Headteacher and other professionals
  • Ensure school is meeting its legal duties
  • Sit on specific panels to review appeals, exclusions, complaints etc.

The most important quality is the desire to make a difference to children’s lives through education. In addition to this, attributes that a make a good school governor include:

  • A willingness to have courageous conversations for the benefit of young people
  • A desire to understand & support the local community
  • The ability to work as part of a team
  • An external perspective
  • The time to get involved


How might I become involved?

The FMC meets six times every year and governors also belong to one or two of our committees which meet at other times throughout the year. Governors are also linked to specific areas of school life and are expected to visit the school to meet with staff and provide written reports to the FMC.

Foundation Governors do have some additional responsibilities to support the spiritual and moral dimension of school life.

We will let you know when there are vacancies on the Governing Body. If you’d like to have an informal discussion about the possibility of becoming a Governor, do contact Pete Whelan, Chair of the FMC, via the governors email or getting int ouch with the headteacher.


Introducing our Governors

Mandy Bowers

In my day job I work for a Mental Health Wellbeing Organization and I am responsible for all things people.  I feel that in my role as governor I can bring experience to support the SLT of Danesgate.

In addition to being a school governor, I  have also seen first-hand how important not only children’s mental health and wellbeing is, but also how important it is for all teaching and support staff , especially since Covid-19.

Being out and about up the hills in the Lakes is how I look after my own mental health and wellbeing!!

Vikki Langford

I’ve lived in York for 4 years, having moved from London and a career in SEN education for 25 years.  After teacher-training I trained as a dyslexia specialist and then switched to a post-grad autism qualification. I was Headteacher of a small SEN school and then worked for a children’s charity as Head of alternative education provisions and a Post-16 learning centre. I currently work remotely for a large special school in London, managing compliance and accountability across their sites.

Researching York schools I was intrigued by Danesgate and applied successfully to become a community Governor. I love working with a warm and highly professional group of Governors who are passionate about Danesgate and are committed to moving forward with the provision. I enjoy working with Chris Nicholls and look forward to our regular sharing ‘best practice’ meetings.

I’m married to a psychotherapist/councillor and have a grown-up daughter who is a university lecturer in Southampton.

Sophie Brigstocke

I have worked as a psychologist for the last 17 years. I have always had an interest in children’s reading, language and number skills development and how to support children with neurodiverse profiles to achieve their potential. I work directly with children and their families doing educational and social-emotional assessments. I also have a teaching role, working with undergraduate students and counselling psychology doctorate trainees and supervising research projects at York St John’s University. I also enjoy with school staff delivering teacher training courses on mental health and wellbeing, through the Anna Freud Centre  and I visit Hong Kong on a biannual basis to deliver a course on best educational practise on supporting children with special educational needs to groups of teachers funded by the Education Bureau/ Education University of Hong Kong. 

I take great pride in working as a community governor for Danesgate Community School. It is a unique place which plays a pivotal role in turning around the lives of young people in the City of York by recognising not only their challenges but also their talents and providing a supportive, safe base from which they have a diverse range of opportunities to explore them and develop them. It is a very special place thanks to the dedicated staff, and range of children and young people who work together. 

Away from work, I enjoy living in Fulford with my family and walking our dog along the Ings when the floods allow! 

Doug Adams

Hello, my name is Doug and I am staff governor at Danesgate. At Danesgate I work as a teacher, but also coordinate and deliver mental health and wellbeing support for our students. I’ve worked at Danesgate for 10 years and prior to that I taught in schools in London and Leeds. My background is in SEN and psychology; I am passionate about enabling all young people to reach their potential through practice informed by understanding of what allows children to access learning, in spite of their social, emotional, communication or learning needs.

I love working at Danesgate, and I hope that through being part of the governance team I can help to make it an even better place to work and attend. 

Sarah Blakeman

Hi. My name is Sarah Blakeman and I have been a governor at Danesgate since January 2022. I have worked as a benefits and debt adviser, a probation officer, a primary teacher and am now working as an administrator at the University of York.  I was a governor at another school for 10 years but when I moved on, thought that would be the end of any Governor role. However, then I came to visit Danesgate and was truly inspired by what I saw happening here. Now, as the Primary Link governor, I  feel honoured to be part of this special place and helping to support Danesgate be the best it can be for all the Danesgate community of pupils, staff and parents and carers. 

John Hart

I am in my second 4-year term as a Governor at Danesgate.  I in the past served as a member of the Academy Scrutiny Committee at Ainthorpe Primary Academy in Hull.

I am currently the Danesgate Link Governor for Health and Safety.

I retired from full-time work in 2015. I am a Mechanical Engineer by profession; my career background is in the rail transport and mining industries.

I am a Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology and a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.

Since retirement I have taken on volunteer roles primarily focussed on my interest in the provision for education and skills acquisition for the upcoming generations of our successors to ready them for life’s journey after leaving education. 

I also wish to play a more active role in supporting the provision of suitable and appropriate infrastructure which will encourage improvement and progression through that education journey. 

Further, to the best of my knowledge and ability, to ensure that the selection of personnel fit within the values of the education establishment to ensure effective and efficient management and delivery of the education process. 

Kate Biddlestone

Hi. My name is Kate Biddlestone. I have five children, some by birth and some adopted. My children have a range of additional needs between them including autism, adhd, mental health challenges, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and chromosome deletion. As well as being a busy Mum, I am a social worker – I assess and support connected and mainstream foster carers. This means I have lots of experience of EHCPs and working closely with schools to support children as well as they can.

I have been a school governor for about 15 years at a variety of schools in York including being chair of governors at a special school in York. I now have a child at Danesgate and I think being a school governor is a great way to get more involved with the school and to support them in any way I can and so I’m looking forward to being a governor here at Danesgate Community.

Keith Isaac

My name is Keith Isaac and I am a retired Fire Officer, I have previously been a School Governor and have experience in all aspects of Health and Safety holding a NEBOSH certificate (specialising in Risk Management and ISO quality management systems).

I was delighted to be accepted on to the team at Danesgate as a Governor and I look forward to taking part in the ongoing success of the school.

Ian A McPherson (OBE BEM FCIPS)

Hello, I am Ian and am absolutely delighted to be appointed as a Governor at the Danesgate Community. Following a career in the British Army as a Logistics Officer, I worked in local and national government, was CEO of a multi-million £ procurement business and Chief Operating Officer of a global supply chain business.

I am passionate about education, I will endeavour to use my leadership skills and business acumen to support the dedicated staff at Danesgate, enabling and empowering them to deliver the very highest standards, so that the young people we are fortunate enough to have in our school are able to become the very best they can be.

I live in Askham Richard with my wife Helen, herself a teacher, and our 3 labradors. I am a guest lecturer, an advisor on Overseas Aid, a volunteer with Blind Veterans, work with Guide Dogs for the Blind and am an invigilator at both York College and Bootham School.

Management Committee Membership – Danesgate Community – 2023-24
Member’s Name Category of Member Appointing body Term of Office

Additional responsibilities

(e.g. Chair / Link Governor)

Start date End date
Mr Chris Nichols Headteacher In post by virtue of their office (ex officio) 17/04/2023  –  
Mrs Amanda Bowers Community Management Committee 21/09/2021 20/09/2025
  • Chair of Full Management Committee
  • Chair of Finance and Resources Committee
Dr Sophie Brigstocke Community Management Committee 24/01/2023 23/01/2027
  • Vice Chair of Full Management Committee
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing link
  • Safeguarding link
Vikki Langford Community Management Committee 22/03/2022 21/03/2026
  • Vice Chair of Full Management Committee
  • School Development Plan Link
  • School Development Plan (Teaching and Learning) Link
Mr Doug Adams Staff Staff body 30/03/2023 29/03/2027  
Mr John Hart Local Authority Management Committee 17/07/2023 16/07/2027
  • Health & Safety link
Kate Biddlestone Parent Parent body    
  • Pupil Premium link
  • School Development Plan (Personal Development) link
  • PE and Sports Premium link
Ms Sarah Blakeman Community Management Committee 16/11/2021 15/11/2025
  • Primary Link
Alish Bumpus Community Management Committee      
Keith Isaac Community Management Committee    
  • Health and Safety Link
Ian McPherson Community Management Committee    
  • School Development Plan (Finance)
  • PRU Link
Register of Interests

The Management Committee maintains a register of relevant interests for current members and those who have served on the Committee in the past 12 months. 

Management Committee Meeting Attendance


Governors Skills Dashboard 2023-24


Governor Monitoring Visits Policy – Due for review September 2025