Danesgate Community York head, Chris Nichols sets out vision

Please CLICK HERE to read an article in the York Press, where Chris Nichols (Headteacher) sets on his vision for Danesgate Community.


Below is a copy of the text from the article:


Danesgate Community York head, Chris Nichols sets out vision

THE new head at the top of a school in York has revealed his vision for the future.

Chris Nichols is the new head teacher at Danesgate Community, a large special school of around 176 pupils aged five to 16, many with complex social, emotional and education needs in Fulford Cross.

Mr Nichols has taken on the top job having previously been deputy head and says: “Having joined the school ten years ago as part of the Senior Leadership Team, I have been part of developing the school, encouraging it to grow and flourish into the thriving provision it now is.

“Having recently been successful in becoming the head teacher, I have a passion and commitment to the school, its students and whole community.