SEND Information

In the Danesgate Community every child matters.  We welcome pupils age 5 to 16 who have no mainstream school place within the City of York and the outlying area.  All the pupils who attend here have additional needs of one kind or another.  Many have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and/or learning needs.  We aim to nurture and support every pupil to achieve their full potential.

You can find our full SEND Policy on the Policies page of the website.

If you need to contact Sarah McKinley, the SENCO, to discuss your child’s needs, please phone the main school telephone number 01904 555 555.

SEND Report

Click here to download the SEND report 2024/25

We hope that we can all work together to see your child make good progress. If however you have a concern or complaint about the way we have supported and helped your child, the following steps should be taken:

  • Discuss the matter with the key worker and/or the SENCO.
  • If the problem is not resolved, arrange a meeting with Mr Chris Nichols, Headteacher.
  • You can also speak with the SEN Governor, Vikki Langford, and the Chair of the Management Committee, Mrs Amanda Bowers. We will make every effort to resolve the matter in school.
  • If the problem still remains unresolved you can meet with a representative of the Local Authority. Contact a member of the SEN department on 01904 554320 or by emailing  [email protected] to arrange this.


Who else can help me with SEND support for my Child?

Sarah McKinley