Princes Trust

Prince’s Trust Achieve – What we do.

The Achieve programme is tailored to suit the needs of individual learners.

The course helps learners to develop life-skills and build confidence to realise their potential and prepare them for adulthood.

This programme offers a free and flexible personal development programme which is designed to support and empower students aged 11-19 (and up to 25 with SEN statement or EHCP) who may need additional assistance to succeed in education.

Achieve is designed to help young people improve:
  • Attainment – achieving better grades at school, reaching educational goals and working towards a qualification
  • Attendance – being motivated to attend school regularly
  • Personal and social development – building confidence, teamwork skills and resilience
  • Engagement with school – interacting better with teachers and other students and enjoying


Prince’s Trust – Personal Development and Employability Skills (PDE)

There is also the option for Achieve learners to gain a Prince’s Trust qualification. Our qualifications are regulated by the appropriate regulatory bodies.

The qualifications are available at:

  • 3 levels (England, Northern Ireland and Wales – Entry 1, Level 1, and Level 2.
  • 4 sizes (Award, certificate, extended certificate, and diploma).

The achieve modules include:

  • Well-being- Healthy eating
  • Well-being-Physical activity
  • Personal development
  • Personal project
  • Managing money
  • Work experience
  • Career planning
  • Developing resilience
  • Presentation skills

Whilst working towards their qualification students will build up a portfolio of work, which will be assessed throughout the course, then sent for external moderation – There is no exam to complete.