Pastoral Team

At Danesgate Community we are dedicated to the development of each young person, focusing on areas such as independence, self-esteem, resilience, making safe choices and communication.  This support allows each child, whatever their needs, the opportunity to engage and enjoy their education.

The Pastoral Care Team ensures that all pupils’ well-being is constantly reviewed and developed, and that strong links are made between school and home.

Meet the team

Kim Mower

Pastoral Care Manager and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Anna Barrett

Pastoral Care Assistant/Deputy DSL and Anti-Bullying Coordinator

Steve Burdett

Pastoral Care Assistant/Behaviour

Carl Elliott

Pastoral Care Assistant/Attendance

How to contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

To contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): 

  • 07904 890216


Useful Resources for parents/carers
Team Teach

Team Teach is an accredited, award-winning provider of training in positive behavioural management strategies. The Team Teach approach and philosophy has been developed by practitioners with over 25 years’ experience in delivering respectful, accessible and practical behaviour management solutions. They are the only company of its kind to have received a National Training Award, the highest level of award in the UK. Focused on teamwork and communication, the courses foster more supportive working practices, helping people recognise the needs of the children and adults they work with, offer help where necessary, and be able to make use of support when offered.

At Danesgate we have strived to increase staffing knowledge and supply them with the skill sets to support behaviour management within the school. De-escalation strategies and communication tool kits enable our staff to support individuals that may provide challenging behaviours. We currently have over 95% of the teaching staff certificated at a Level 2 qualification in behavioural management. The strategy of de-escalation that is a core value of Team Teach supports the ethos here at Danesgate, which is cascaded through the whole staff team within the school. 

The engaging Level Two course in positive behaviour management is specialised in supporting children, young people and vulnerable individuals with documented special needs or challenging behaviours, and who may pose a risk to themselves or others in medium-risk Education and Health and Social Care settings. It provides an understanding of the causes of challenging behaviour, along with respectful, supportive and practical strategies for de-escalation and crisis intervention.


The following image summarises our Values, which underpin our approach to Team Teach: