Personal, Social, Health and Economic education is quite possibly, the most important teaching and learning opportunity we can offer children and young people; for those with SEND, it is arguably even more crucial. It underpins all learning across the national curriculum and related subjects.
Our vision for our learners is that they will:
Within this learning, citizenship and British values are paramount.
PSHE is taught across the whole school. Being taught thematically, it allows learners across all key stages to be studying topics using the same theme at the same time thus allowing for continuity and link-up across the school. Themes used are: ‘Health & Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Living in the Wider World’. These over-arching themes and the topics that are covered within them brings opportunity to learn and develop a whole host of skills which underpins the learning from the range of subjects studied as part of the national curriculum.
Teaching and learning can be adapted to suit the needs of the learner/s be it individually or as part of a group. PHSE cannot be found as a teacher specialism; there is no A’ Level or degree to make up the foundation to its teaching – this comes solely from a tutor’s own background and learning and life lessons alongside research and personal study. Different teachers and teaching assistants can bring unique and past experience and knowledge to different aspects of the course. In turn, we must bear in mind, we are here to teach this very special subject area most carefully – we are not specialists in the traditional manner of teaching and we need to be careful of sharing personal opinions that could cloud the young, enquiring minds of our students.
PHSE allows parents to have some authority over their child’s involvement in key aspects of the course though this stops three terms before the young person’s sixteenth birthday. Working very closely with our families, The Danesgate Community is confident that a compromise can be sought and managed successfully.