Parents Testimonials

The following are examples of Parents Testimonials the school has received:

“This message makes me feel like it’s all worth it. Thank you. Credit to you guys too, I know he can be a lot!. He’s going from strength to strength. Thank you”

Parent following positive feedback (September 2024)


Dear Mr Nichols, Mr Horsley and Mrs McKinley,

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to you all and to the staff at Danesgate.

My son, XXX, started in PC5 in September. Up until this point we had home educated XXX, because we recognised that mainstream education could not meet his needs and that putting him into a school system without the right support in place would have been detrimental to him. We fought to get an EHCP so that he could access a specialist setting. Of all of the schools that we consulted with, both within York and out of area, Danesgate was the only one that could meet need and that offered him a place.

We are so very thankful that Danesgate gave him this opportunity and we owe the staff and school such a debt of gratitude for the fantastic work they have done with him this year.

We are continually amazed by the staff. Their level of dedication, commitment, compassion and the deep understanding they have of their pupils is incredible. There isn’t one member of staff that we have met that isn’t so friendly, kind and welcoming and who doesn’t go above and beyond to look after both XXX and us as a family.

When we applied for XXX’s EHCP, when asked what we would like to see for XXX’s education. Our response was as follows:

‘We want him to be somewhere that embraces him for who he is, and shows complete understanding and acceptance of his challenges and who will support him wholeheartedly in learning to overcome these. We want him to be in a school where these are promoted as being positive, where his self-esteem and self-confidence can be built because he is valued for being exactly where he is’.

Danesgate has met our wishes and then some! We genuinely could not have asked for a more wonderful school and a more wonderful set of staff. Joshua has thrived this year, he has grown in confidence, his self-esteem is flourishing and he has loved his first year at school. The progress he had made has been incredible. But most importantly to us, he is happy.

To see XXX held in such high regard, to be nurtured and guided with such compassion is everything you want to see as a parent.

Danesgate is a very special place and we are very grateful that XXX is here. Your staff are the most dedicated we have ever seen.

Letter from a parent to thank staff.  July 2024