Dear Parent/Carer, I would like to draw your attention to an important matter concerning the use of e-bikes, e-scooters, and mopeds for travel to and from school. While this may apply to only a small number of students, it’s crucial that we address the legal and safeguarding responsibilities we have for your child. E-scooters are...Read More
Dear Parents and Carers, As we come to the close of the Autumn Term, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the positive progress our school community has made and to extend my heartfelt thanks for your ongoing support throughout the term. It has been an incredibly long, busy, and fulfilling term....Read More
Please CLICK HERE to view a letter regarding the upcoming changes to student attendance procedures, as outlined by the Department for Education (DfE). These changes come into effect from August 19th 2024, and will be introduced at Danesgate Community alongside a citywide and national roll out. The changes aim to provide a clearer picture of...Read More
Please CLICK HERE to view the Head teachers end of year letter home, that includes the following: Information regarding the start of the 2024/25 Academic Year Examinations results day Summer 2024 Site Development July to September 2024 Website and school calendar Student Photos Farewells, thank you’s and welcomesRead More
Chris Nichols (Headteacher) has written to all our Year 11 students to congratulate them on their behaviour, conduct and efforts during their exams, highlighting key dates. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter.Read More
Good Morning As we settle into the first half of this summer term I wanted to highlight a few key messages. Danesgate Food bank: We have a well established food bank in school for those families struggling with the cost of living crisis in the UK- we rely on notations from staff and businesses. We...Read More
Dear Parents / carers As you will know, Danesgate prides itself on removing as many barriers as possible to enable learning amongst our students whilst also ensuring that all members of our community are operating in a safe and healthy environment. With that in mind, we would like to clarify a number of school policies...Read More
This is a very important announcement. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sodales pharetra pellentesque. Duis at varius mauris, eget accumsan lacus. Sed maximus velit arcu, eget tristique nisi dictum sit amet.Read More