
CLICK HERE to access the latest Weekly Careers update (6 June 2024), including details of the latest York College Open Event.
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We are delighted to announce that Danesgate Community will be linking up with two luxury hotels in the city to offer work based learning opportunities. Danesgate will partner with Middletons Hotel and No.1 by GuestHouse. The partnerships via Hospitality Connect were announced at a launch event at Middlethorpe Hall on Thursday 18th April. This exciting...
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A group of ex-students made a welcome return to Danesgate on Tuesday 5 th March. The ex-pupils, Freddie Vardy, Poppy Jenkins, Callum Worrall & Tegra Jacques spoke with our current year 11s. They gave advice about how to make a successful transition to differing post 16 pathways. Since leaving Danesgate two years ago Callum Worral...
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11 students have been working with North Yorkshire Business & Education Partnership (NYBEP) on a Skills Booster programme. Running over 7 weeks, the sessions focus on developing employability and life skills to support successful transition to Post 16 pathways. The programme has included: Understanding the applications process for college/apprenticeships/employment Application form, and CV writing skills...
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York College have 2 Open Events coming up on Tuesday 19 March (5.30pm-8.00pm) and Thursday 20 June (5.30pm-8.00pm).  
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This week is Careers Week.  We are doing: Careers in the Curriculum: Each subject will be looking careers from their individual perspective. Careers Fair on Tuesday.
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York Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair combines York Jobs Fair and York Apprenticeship Recruitment Event, is on Wednesday, 13 March 2024 at York Barbican, Paragon Street, York, UK. The fair will run from 11am to 6pm, and will also include opportunities for employers to lead ‘workshop’ sessions where they can showcase their opportunities or lead information,...
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Please CLICK HERE to find the latest Apprenticeship Vacancies in York.
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