Boxall Profile

Boxall Profile is an evidence based tool supporting a whole school approach to assessing and addressing children and young people’s social, emotional and behavioural development to positively impact learning, behaviour, attendance and wellbeing.

For more information please CLICK HERE to read the guide for parents/carers.


How do we use Boxall Profile?

We complete a Boxall Profile 3 times a year for all of our learners. This means that the teacher (or person who knows the child best) completes a series of questions based on the following 2 sections:

Section 1: The Developmental Strands:

    • These measure different aspects of the children and young people’s cognitive, social and emotional development that influence how well they are able to learn and function in the classroom.

Section 2: The Diagnostic Profile:   

    • These measure children and young people’s challenging behaviours that prevent successful social and academic performance. These behaviours are directly or indirectly the result of impaired development in the early years and can be resolved once the social and emotional needs are identified and the necessary skills are developed.


How does it help?

Once the teacher has answered the questions they are presented with scores for each area and a report, which will highlight any areas of support that the child may need. They can then access resources, strategies and create a learning plan to support the child or young person.

As a school we will then develop approaches to address areas needs that either have either been identified as a Provision or Class level or on an individual level.


What do we report on?

We report on the number of Development and Diagnostic strands for each child that are outside of the norm 3 times a year.  For those parents who want to see the official report from Boxal Profiling they can discuss this at their Parents Day meeting.


What we would hope to see?

We would hope that over time and through carefully planned interventions and support packages that the number of Development and Diagnostic strands for each child decreases.  However, their are many factors that affect a child over time (including puberty, relationships, family, peers, transitions etc.) which will affect a child’s progress, therefore progress is often not linear.


Further information

If you require further information, please talk to your child’s Key Worker or visit: