
At Danesgate Community School, the well-being and mental health of our staff are a key priority. We reached out to the Menfulness team last year, hoping to raise awareness around mental health and explore how we can better support the men in our lives. The Menfulness team have delivered two incredibly impactful and thought-provoking sessions that exceeded our expectations.

Their presentations and workshops provided a unique blend of care, compassion, and expert insight, equipping our staff with the knowledge to recognise when someone is struggling and how to offer support. Through their engaging presentations, the Menfulness team not only raised awareness but also sparked open conversations about mental health that are so often left unsaid.

Our staff left the sessions feeling more confident, informed, and empowered to help others in need, whether it be colleagues, friends, or loved ones. The work they do is truly invaluable, and we are grateful for the positive impact it has had on our school community.

We look forward to continuing to collaborate with Menfulness in the future and highly recommend their services to any organisation looking to make a meaningful difference in supporting mental health and well-being of their staff.

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