York council are providing a series of workshops for Parents/Carers of children and young people attending a York setting or school:
These live, 90-minutes sessions are available exclusively online for parents/carers of children in a York setting or school. They are designed to help parents/carers understand and support their child’s unique needs.
Autumn term 1
- Understanding and supporting emotional self-regulation – Thursday 10 October from 10.00am
- Understanding your child’s early development (age 7 and under) – Monday 14 October from 1.00pm** please note this is a change of date, the original date was 30 September.
- Understanding and supporting sensory integration – Wednesday 23 October from 7.00pm
Autumn term 2
- Understanding and supporting ADHD – Tuesday 12 November from 10.00am
- Understanding and supporting sensory integration – Thursday 21 November from 10.00am
- Understanding diet and nutrition – Wednesday 27 November from 1.00pm
- Understanding and supporting emotional self-regulation – Wednesday 4 December from 1.00pm
- Understanding your child’s early development (age 7 and under) – Wednesday 11 December from 1.00pm
The dates and times above link to the specific booking pages and you can also access information here: https://www.raiseyork.co.uk/news/article/19/york-neurodiversity-programme-2024-parent-and-carer-webinars