Welcome back to school

Dear Parents and Pupils

I would like to take this opportunity to give a warm welcome back to school. I do hope you have had a lovely break and an opportunity to spend time with family, loved ones and friends. As our pupils return to the classroom, there’s a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air. This time of year marks a fresh start, filled with new opportunities for learning and growth. We at Danesgate are ready to engage our pupils with inspiring lessons and extracurricular activities, along with supporting their health and wellbeing and fostering our sense of community.

Our staff are keen to reconnect with your children, support their academic and personal development, and create a positive learning environment. We ask you as parents/carers to get involved and support your child as they embark on this new school year. It’s a great time for everyone to come together and make the most of the year ahead!

You will have been informed that we have designed an induction week this first week back- Tuesday 3rd September to Friday 6th September. This is a key opportunity to re-connect with your child’s Keyworker and team, update and share important information- including timetables and the school calendar for the year. It also allows a carefully manged transition back into school routines after a long break, settling our younger pupils back first without older one around across the site.

I am really looking forward to this academic year ahead of us, it’s a time of renewal and growth, and I look forward to working collaboratively with all stakeholders in our community to ensure a successful year.

Best wishes
Chris Nichols


Information regards our Induction week Tuesday 3 rd September to Friday 6 th September:
Day/date Provision/Key Stage Plan/Action
Tuesday 3rd Sep – Primary pupils’ induction
day with parents

To discuss:

  • Groups
  • Timetables
  • Key calendar dates: INSET/Parent days
  • Pupil Charter
  • Key documentation completed/updated
  • Check in and updates after the summer
Wednesday 4th Sep

KS3 (Years 7,8,9) pupils
induction day with

Primary pupils return.

To discuss:

  • Groups
  • Timetables
  • Key calendar dates: INSET/Parent days
  • Pupil Charter
  • Key documentation completed/updated
  • Check in and updates after the summer

Primary classes on site all start back
Kestrel: to open on Thursday 5 th September to current
Eagle: to open on Thursday 5 th September to current
*new students to start week commencing 9th

Thursday 5th Sep

KS4 (Years 10 & 11)
pupils induction day
with parents

KS3 pupils return.
Kestrel & Eagle return

To discuss:

  • Groups
  • Timetables
  • Key calendar dates: INSET/Parent days
  • Pupil Charter
  • Key documentation completed/updated
  • Check in and updates after the summer

All primary, Kestrel/Eagle and Key Stage 3 groups start

Friday 6th Sep All provisions and
Key Stages return

To discuss:

  • Groups
  • Timetables
  • Key calendar dates: INSET/Parent days
  • Pupil Charter
  • Key documentation completed/updated
  • Check in and updates after the summer

All primary, Kestrel/Eagle and Key Stage 3 groups start

Bridge Pupils- Monday 9 th September: Week commencing 2 nd September is home visits and induction
week on a phased return

Skills/Alternative Provision: these do not start for students until the first full week back: Monday 9th